Find An Optometrist Partner

The Partnering Optometrists work with Griffin Eye Center because of our strong track record of experience and patient satisfaction.

Local Partnering Optometrists

We’ve found this team-based approach, can help you make an informed decision about your cataract, laser vision correction and cornea procedure. We believe our Partnering Optometrists are in the best position to take care of you before and after your life-changing procedure.

Use the Partnering Optometrists search below to find a Griffin Eye Center-Affiliated Optometrist in your area!

Also, if you have an optometrist in/out of state and want to see if you are a candidate for LASIK or cataract, have the practice fax over your eye medical records to Griffin Eye Center Fax # (843)449-7614.

      Our ophthalmic technicians can help remove any doubts that you may have. We’d love to give you a call back or send you a text at your convenience!