Latest LASIK Technology
The National Consumer Advisory Board Named Dr. Griffin one of America’s Best Physicians 2021-2025 LASIK & Cataract Surgeon.
Griffin Eye Center offers the only local on-site state-of-the-art LASIK Suite. No roll on off machines!
Latest technology completely redefines vision by bringing more detail to your life
Refractive errors are imperfections in the eye that prevent light from focusing properly. This is what causes blurred vision. Common refractive errors include nearsightedness and astigmatism.
If you have one or both of these, chances are you’ve worn glasses or contacts for as long as you can remember. Griffin Eye Center offers the newest FDA approved technology for Blade-Free LASIK procedures. We are the first in South Carolina to offer the WaveLight® EX500 Excimer laser technology in combination with the VisuMax Laser and CONTOURA® Vision.
The WaveLight ® 500 Excimer laser, offers the newest-FDA approved technology. We know that no two eyes are alike, so why should your treatment be any different? The WaveLight Laser tracks the unique shape of your eye and allows the surgeon to perform individualized Laser Vision Correction just for you.
This helps us treat more complex aberrations and deliver better overall outcomes. The EX500 emits 500 laser pulses per second for an extremely quick treatment, the Perfect Pulse technology ensures each laser beam is calibrated to safely and precisely sculpt the cornea to help you achieve your best visual outcome and the automated eye-tracking system monitors the movement of the eye.
The laser beam stays on target during the treatment to deliver the highest levels of safety. This Excimer Laser offers a tracking eye movement with more than twice the speed of previous models. It bumps the speed from 400 times per second to an impressive 1050 times per second.
We also offer the CONTOURA® Vision technology for LASIK patients with imperfections in the curvature and optics of the cornea. CONTOURA® Vision is laser vision that uses corneal topography guided planning software that creates a truly optimized LASIK procedure that can give eyes a better focusing surface.

With CONTOURA®, LASIK is optimized
As impressive as WaveLight® EX 500 LASIK vision correction system may sound, it’s just the beginning. The surface of your eye is as unique as your fingerprint, and CONTOURA® Vision is revolutionary to LASIK, working with WaveLight® LASIK technology to tailor your laser vision correction procedure to your unique eye, redefining the quality of what you see.2
You can think of CONTOURA® Vision as “optimized LASIK.” Sometimes known as topography-guided LASIK, CONTOURA® Vision personalizes your LASIK procedure by creating a precise map of your eye that includes up to 22,000 unique elevation points.

The Latest WaveLight® EX500 Advanced Technology Laser
The National Consumer Advisory Board named Dr. Neil B. Griffin one of America’s Best Physicians
Leading ophthalmologists, Neil B. Griffin, M.D., and Sarah E. Griffin, M.D., are committed to providing world class surgical technologies and the most advanced vision diagnostics to the Myrtle Beach, Murrells Inlet, North Myrtle Beach, North and South Carolina areas.
1. Market Scope. Refractive Quarterly Update, Q3 – 2018. November 2018.
2. Stulting RD, Fant BS; T-CAT Study Group. Results of topography-guided laser in situ keratomileusis custom ablation treatment with a refractive excimer laser. J Cataract Refract Surg. 2016;42(1):11–18.