According to the American Refractive Surgery Council, the LASIK success rate or LASIK outcomes – is well understood with literally thousands of clinical studies looking at visual acuity and patient satisfaction. The latest research reports 99 percent of patients achieve better than 20/40 vision and more than 90 percent achieve 20/20 or better.
In addition, LASIK has an unprecedented 96 percent patient satisfaction rate – the highest of any elective procedure. (Journal of Cataract & Refractive Surgery, Vol. 42, Issue 8, August 2016, Pages 1224-1234).
People turn to LASIK not just for work but also for play, and to follow their passions. Your LASIK success might be measured not by your job but by how much you’re enjoying your lifestyle and your life.
The same factors that make LASIK great for athletes and first responders can make a difference for people who play sports or love the outdoors. You don’t need to be a professional athlete – you might love playing in your softball league, or catching a frisbee in the park, or going hiking or camping.
The conditions are just as challenging as they are for a pro – and the convenience of LASIK can transform your experience. The same goes if you swim or surf or sail – sand, spray and harsh sunlight don’t mix well with glasses or contact lenses, but they’re no trouble at all once you’ve had LASIK. And if you’re a skier who has to deal with snow spray and glare – the temperature may be different than for boaters and beach lovers, but the freedom you get from LASIK is just the same.
What if you don’t pursue an active lifestyle?
There’s still plenty that LASIK can do for you. Some people think of eyeglasses as a fashion accessory – but many people don’t. Thanks to LASIK, you can throw away your glasses and show your best face. People also turn to LASIK when they’re on the threshold of major life events – graduating from college, getting married, starting families (ever tried to run after your small kids while keeping your glasses in place?) or setting out on new adventures after they retire. LASIK can liberate you from your glasses or contacts and set you on the path to your next phase of life.
And of course, LASIK success doesn’t have to involve any activity at all. Many people measure LASIK success rates just by the pure pleasure of having the best possible vision, and the freedom to do without contacts – or to never again be forced to grope on the nightstand to find their glasses in the middle of the night.
Talk to a surgeon, define your LASIK vision, and start on the path to LASIK success.
So how should you start to build your own LASIK success story? The questions you really need to ask yourself, How do you see yourself benefitting from LASIK? What you hope to get out of LASIK? Why does great eyesight matter to you? And how are your glasses or contacts getting in your way? How do they keep you from living life the way you want?
The next step is to sit down with a LASIK surgeon. It’s only by talking with a surgeon that you can find out whether you’re a good candidate for LASIK and ask your questions about the LASIK success rate. The surgeon can help you understand what to expect from the procedure, what the experience will be like during and after surgery, and how your life and your lifestyle will change.
If you like more information on LASIK or schedule a complimentary Laser Vision Correction screening call 843-449-6414 or contact us via our website