Tag archives for: About Cataract

3 Things to Know About Cataracts

Three Things Patients Should Know About Cataracts Approximately 25 million Americans have cataracts, which causes cloudy, blurry or dim vision and often develops with advancing age. This June, Griffin Eye Center joins the American Academy of Ophthalmology in observing Cataract Awareness Month by sharing three things everyone should know about the condition and its treatment. […]

Dr. Neil B. Griffin Cataract Surgeon

About Cataract and Understanding Your Vision

Are you having blurred vision or sensitivity to light? A cataract is a clouding of the eye’s natural lens that interferes with the light passing through to the retina. Individuals with cataracts usually describe their vision as being similar, to looking through a foggy windshield. Also, your reading may become more difficult and driving become […]