LASIK myrtle beach

What is Wavefront-Optimized LASIK?

What is Wavefront-Optimized LASIK? Because no two corneas are alike, we offer our patients Wavefront-Optimized LASIK. With Wavefront-Optimized LASIK, a combination of sophisticated measurements of each individual’s cornea are used to create a unique treatment plan designed to provide patients with:

-A greater chance of having 20/20 vision as compared to conventional LASIK
-The potential for better vision than is possible with contacts or glasses
-Less incidence of glare and halos
-Potentially better overall vision, even at night

Your Procedure Day
On the day of your procedure, you should arrive at the office as rested and relaxed as possible. You will need to sign an informed consent, which we will go over with you prior to your procedure. It’s natural to feel a mixture of eager anticipation and nervousness before your procedure. Be sure to bring someone to drive you home and/or make other arrangements for transportation. You should allow approximately two to four hours for the entire process.

LASIK Recovery After surgery, your eyes may feel irritated and may tear or water for a few hours. Most patients are quite comfortable after a nap and rest while wearing protective eye shields. Some LASIK patients wear the eye shields while sleeping during the first few days. Do not rub your eyes during the early healing stage. It is not unusual for your eyes to feel dry for several days. If you experience discomfort, your doctor might suggest you take a mild pain reliever. Many patients return to work within a day or two. You will need to follow the restrictions provided by your doctor so that you will quickly be able to resume your normal activities.

Your LASIK results during your initial consultation, we will determine the range of your probable outcome based on your individual prescription and diagnostic test results. Most LASIK patients notice dramatic visual results within the first few days following their procedure.

However, the speed of visual recovery depends on your personal healing patterns and patients with higher prescriptions might recover more slowly.

Griffin Eye Center is now offering Free LASIK screenings. If you want to SEE if you are a candidate for LASIK call 843-449-6414 or contact us for an appointment at