cataract symptoms and risks

Tag archives for: cataract risk

cataract symptoms and risks

Risk Factors for Cataracts

Are you at Risk for Cataracts? The greatest risk factor for cataracts is simply getting older. The eye’s lens is made up of water and proteins, and over time those proteins begin to clump together, leading to the blurry and fuzzy vision of cataracts. You can change your eye glass prescription only so much, but […]

cataract surgery

How does Cataract Surgery Work?

Three Things Patients Should Know About Cataracts Griffin Eye Center shares facts about the eye condition and the surgery used to treat it Approximately 25 million Americans have cataracts, which causes cloudy, blurry or dim vision and often develops with advancing age.[1] This June, the Griffin Eye Center joins the American Academy of Ophthalmology in […]